Getting Started With Unity SDK

Getting started with ViewR is quite simple.

ViewR was written in Unity 2017.3, so we'll be using that for this tutorial.

Download the unity plugin from our downloads page.

Let unity through the firewall, otherwise ViewR App cannot communicate to the editor and it's disabled by default.

Start a new unity project and import the unity package.

You'll get some dll errors. Please restart Unity at this point. We're using Unity's low level graphics API which needs to be initialised with Unity Engine.

Navigate to IncludeVR/GoreCubes/scene

Hitting play at the top of the screen will cause the following error.

Fix this by going into the input menu.

And adding the following entries to the bottom

At this point, if you haven't downloaded ViewR for your Android device yet, please do so. 
You should be able to see your computer and the project you've created in ViewR's server browser after refreshing the server list (by tapping and dragging down).

Hit connect to join to the server.

If you don't have position tracking built into your device, like ARCore, you can right click the game screen and drag to look around, WSAD to fly. the device around in 3D space. 

If you have internal tracking on, you'll be prompted to calibrate. For help in calibrating, click here.
Once you're calibrated, you should be able to see a stack of blocks about 1.5m tall.

 That explode into gore when you tap them.

 You should also be able to see this in the editor.

If there is someone in VR, the frozen VR head in the middle of the world will follow them, and you'll be able to see them with ViewR. They will also be able to see you

The VR player can also explode blocks into different colours.

Congratulations, ViewR is now working on your computer. Source code for the demo scene is available on our Github.


  1. Hey there
    The Unity package doesn't seem too work, here the error on Import:

    DllNotFoundException: gfxplugin-viewr
    Include.Native.GetInstance () (at C:/Users/CYao/Documents/Projects/Include/ViewR/viewr-core/unity-plugin/IncludeVR/Bindings.cs:39)
    Include.ViewRCameraController..ctor () (at C:/Users/CYao/Documents/Projects/Include/ViewR/viewr-core/unity-plugin/IncludeVR/ViewRCameraController.cs:80)

  2. You might revise this to note that there is a ViewR app that needs to be downloaded to connect. Also I could not get the app to connect to the server. More detailed help on that would be useful

    1. Fiddling with Windows Defender settings got the network connect to work. This a great SDK/app. It would be nice if the positional audio in Unity was also streamed out to the remote viewer.


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