
ViewRInterface manages incoming and disconnecting devices.

Editor Params

The headset transform, setting this lets users calibrate based on headset location. If both Target and Origin are set, calibration will be based on the ground directly below the headset.

The play space transform, setting this lets users calibrate based on play space location. If both Target and Origin are set, calibration will be based on the ground directly below the headset.

Data Port
This is the port which ViewR App will communicate through. This port is usually communicated through the server search procedure. But if the server isn't found by by the server list on the app, use the manual connect button on the app and use the port shown here and see if it works.

Device Object
This is the object that will be instantiated on device connection. You can change what gets instantiated by default by setting an object here.


Triggered when a client connects to server.

Triggered when a client disconnected from server.

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